Sunday, December 6, 2009


Biodynamic beekeeping is about getting back to the roots. Working WITH nature. Learning, observing what the bees want and need. You can learn so much about life and yourself by having a couple of beehives. This blog will mostly talk about biodynamics and not really get into actual beekeeping. I assume most of you reading this are fellow beekeepers or know the basics on how to keep bees.

Biodynamic beekeeping is a simple approach. It does not allow queen rearing or the introduction of wax in the hives. It leaves the bees do their own work on the hive. They encourage it, in fact!

Observe and you will see. Biodynamics recognizes the influence of the sun, moon and planets in agriculture. The bees are very much related to what happens in the cosmos! Observation is key.

Rudolf Steiner said in his first beekeeping lecture "You see, when one realises that the bees receive very many influences from the starry worlds, one sees also how they can pass on to man what is fitted for him. All that is living, when it is rightly combined, works rightly together. When one stands before a hive of bees one should say quite solemny to oneself: "By way of the bee-hive the whole Cosmos enters man and makes him strong and able"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Biodynamic beekeeping

This is the first blog I write so bare with me. My main goal is to blog about bees! Biodynamic bees, of course! It means to see the bees and their place in this world. What role we humans have with them, and how we should go about keeping them, in a sustainable way. I want to share all that I've read about biodynamic beekeeping through articles and books not found in North America.

I guess the first step is to talk about biodynamics.